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IRS Audits & Tax Notices

What to know about a CP2000 notice

Also known as an underreported inquiry. Getting a CP2000 notice means there’s a mismatch between the info reported on your tax return and the payment or income in the IRS’ records. Our dedicated process to solve your tax issues can help.  

What to do if you get a CP2000 notice from the IRS

Getting any notice from the IRS can be stressful. That’s why it’s important to have a dedicated team of tax professionals on your side to help you take the next necessary steps.  

How and when to contest your CP2000 inquiry

How and When to Contest Your CP2000 Inquiry

If the IRS sends you a CP2000 notice, the IRS is basically saying, “We think you misreported items on your return, and we think you owe more taxes.”

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IRS soft notices: Earned income tax credits to crypto currencies

IRS Soft Notices: Earned Income Tax Credits to Crypto Currencies

The IRS may send a “soft notice” to alert a taxpayer about possible issues it finds in a tax return. Learn about some common soft notices and how to respond to them.

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How to request CP2000 reconsideration from the IRS

How to request CP2000 reconsideration from the IRS

If the IRS failed to consider your response to a Notice CP2000, you may be able to request a CP2000 reconsideration. These are the actions you can take to file a CP2000 reconsideration request.

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8 things you should know about IRS CP2000 notices

8 Things You Should Know About IRS CP2000 Notices

There’s no reason to panic if you receive an IRS CP2000 notice. It looks and acts like an IRS audit, but you’re not being audited. Receiving this computer-generated notice in most cases means that the IRS is questioning whether you underreported your income on your filed tax return.

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10 things to know before you respond to an IRS CP2000 notice

10 things to know before you respond to an IRS CP2000 notice

If you receive a CP2000 notice from the IRS, there are important things to consider before you send a response to the IRS.

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The CP2000 notice stream: What it means for you

The CP2000 notice stream: What it means for you

Every year, the IRS matches tax returns with billions of what’s known as information returns (such as Forms W-2, 1099, etc.) that it gets from third party employers and other payers (such as banks). The IRS is looking for errors and missing income when it compares the information returns to the filed tax returns.

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